How much is made from podcasts


At the moment, podcasts are not a well understood product in the country. Few people understand how to host them and whether it is possible to make money from them. These questions are complicated, but one thing is clear – you can monetize this format in several ways.

Donations from listeners, crowdfunding

Donations are voluntary gifts from users to the author of podcasts. You can collect donations in several ways. The most convenient and popular way is to use Patreon service. This site was created for authors of any kind of content. To start using the service, you need to register and start putting up your podcasts. The author chooses the size of the donation himself, and people who are ready to pay start donating to him.

The developers of the service recommend awarding subscribers for certain amounts of donations. For example, you can grant access to additional materials for small donations and verbal thanking in the podcast for large ones.

Built-in monetization of podcast hosting

It is worth realizing right away that this option is virtually inaccessible for beginner podcast authors. However, it can be used in the future. The essence of the method lies in the fact that podcasters seek sponsors-advertisers. They are willing to pay for the author to record a video promoting a company’s products and insert it in each of their issues.

The sponsorship programme works according to a certain model. The cost is set per thousand user contacts. It works like this: an advertiser signs a price of 5 thousand for 1,000 listenings of an episode. If the podcast is viewed by 3,000 people, the author earns 15,000. However, some services charge a commission, besides, it is too difficult for a first-time podcaster to gather such an audience.

Profits from Creating Podcasts - monetisation and costs

Audio advertising embedded in podcasts

To start making money this way, you need to come to an agreement with the company. If the podcast has already gathered numerous listeners, the advertisers will be ready to find an author and offer him cooperation.

There are podcast labels which search for advertisers themselves and offer them their clients’ services. Of course, a certain percentage is charged for this. In this case, your success in finding an advertiser depends on the statistics of the podcast and its target audience.

How much are podcasts earning?

Podcasts are particularly popular in the United States, so you can study the earnings of American authors first. Thus, Joe Rogan earns on average about 30 thousand euros per episode. But that’s practically the maximum bar. Simple podcasters earn 15-20 euros per short commercial.

The bottom line is as follows: one episode per week with three blocks of ads and donations can earn around 700 euros per month per 1000 views. The more subscribers you have, the higher the income.